

Awards for Financial Reporting, Funding and Administration

ASRS recognized for Financial Reporting and Plan Funding & Administration

The Arizona State Retirement System recently received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Retiring Before 65?

If you’re early in your career, you may think “retiree health insurance” isn’t a topic you should be terribly concerned about at the moment, but you might be surprised! If you plan on retiring before 65, when most are eligible for Medicare, then health insurance costs could be something you want to start thinking about now. 

Contributions: Pre- or Post-Tax?

Your ASRS contribution rate actually consists of two main parts: the “Pension and Health Insurance Benefit” rate, which is a pre-tax deduction from your paycheck, and the “Long Term Disability Income Plan” rate, which is a post-tax deduction. If you look at your paystub, the pre-tax deduction is listed as “ASRSRET” while the post-tax deduction is labeled “ASRS LTD.” 

"Can I Control How My Contributions Are Invested?"

We receive plenty of questions pertaining to ASRS contributions. Most of these questions center on members' desires to manage how their contributions are invested or wanting to contribute a different amount – whether less or more.

Retiring in a Few Years?

We take a quick look at a number of topics important to anyone thinking about retirement, and point you in the right direction for more information.

A Common Mistake When Updating Your Information

Have you moved recently? Or perhaps changed phone numbers or email addresses? Avoid this common mistake to make sure the ASRS has your correct information on file.

Long Term Disability: An Overview

Did you know that as a contributing member of the ASRS, you have access to long term disability (LTD) should you ever need it? Read through this quick overview to get an idea of what it is, what it provides, and when it might be available to you.

Retiree 1099-R Timeline Information

Wondering when retirees will receive their 1099-R from the ASRS?

ASRS recognized for Financial Reporting and Plan Funding & Administration

The Arizona State Retirement System recently received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA), it recognizes “achievement in the highest standards” for government accounting and financial reporting. It is the 32nd consecutive year the ASRS has received this prestigious recognition.

ASRS to Issue Permanent Benefit Increases to Qualified Retirees

The Arizona State Retirement System Board of Trustees announced Friday, November 12, 2021, that qualified retirees will receive a Permanent Benefit Increase (PBI) to their monthly annuities, beginning with their July 2022 benefits check.


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