
Helpful Links

Helpful links are presented here as a service to ASRS members and visitors to this site. Please be aware that the links below are not affiliated with the ASRS. Each link will open in a new tab or window.

Non-profit, retirement-related organizations that would like to provide a link to their organization may contact the ASRS for information and permission.

To access contact information for ASRS retiree health insurance plan providers, view the ASRS Providor Contact Directory.

Arizona State GovernmentSite
State of Arizonahttp://www.az.gov
Arizona State Agencieshttp://azdirect.azdoa.gov/all.aspx
Arizona State Legislaturewww.azleg.gov
ASRS retirement-related state statutes Title 38, Chapter 5, Articles 1,2,2.1http://www.azleg.gov/ArizonaRevisedStatutes.asp?Title=38
Government Pension Plans in Arizona 
Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS)http://www.psprs.com/
Arizona Elected Officials Retirement Plan (EORP)http://www.psprs.com/sys_eorp/cato_eorp.htm
Arizona Corrections Officer Retirement Plan (CORP)http://www.psprs.com/corrections-officer/
City of Phoenix Employees' Retirement System Information (COPERS)http://phoenix.gov/phxcopers.html 
City of Tucson Employees' Retirement Planhttp://www.tucsonaz.gov/hr
Federal Government 
Social Security Administrationhttp://www.ssa.gov/
SSA information for government employershttp://www.ssa.gov/slge
U.S. Census Bureauhttp://www.census.gov/
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commissionhttp://www.sec.gov/
Additional Retirement Savings Plans Options 
State of Arizona Deferred Compensation 457 Programhttps://www.arizonadc.com/iApp/tcm/arizonadc/index.jsp
ASRS Supplemental Retirement Savings Plan (Nationwide)www.azsrsp.com
ASRS Supplemental Salary Deferral Plan (Nationwide)www.azssdp.com
Retirement Organizations & Associations - State 
All Arizona School Retirees Associationhttp://www.aasra.org/
Arizona Education Association – Retiredhttp://www.azedretired.com/
Arizona State University Emeritus Collegehttp://emerituscollege.asu.edu/
Arizona State University Retirees Associationhttps://asura.asu.edu/
Maricopa Community Colleges Retirees Associationhttp://www.mccfa.org/
Northern Arizona University Retirees Associationhttp://www7.nau.edu/naura/
Pima County Retirees Associationhttp://www.pimacountyretirees.org/
RECOM - Retired Employees City of Mesahttp://recomaz.org/
Pima County School Retirees' Associationhttp://www.pcsra.com/
University of Arizona Retirees Association http://uara.arizona.edu/
Retirement Organizations & Associations – National 
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)http://www.aarp.org/
AARP's National Retired Teachers Associationhttp://www.aarp.org/about-aarp/nrta/
National Council on Teacher Retirementhttp://www.nctr.org/
National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA)http://www.nasra.org/
National Conference on Public Employees Retirement Systems (NCPERS)http://www.ncpers.org/
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