

A Good Time to Start Saving

For many, a new year often brings new goals and resolutions. Is one of your resolutions for 2021 to start saving money? While one of the most comforting features of a future ASRS pension is knowing you’ll have a steady, guaranteed income stream, your ASRS retirement benefit, by design, is not intended to replace your entire working income. Instead, it is designed to be one piece of the pie that makes up your retirement plan. The other pieces of that pie? Social Security and personal savings. Here are some tips to make getting started on a personal savings plan a tiny bit easier: 

Tips For Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a proper work-life balance can be a struggle, and with the ability to work from home becoming more common, the lines between work and home have blurred more than ever before. Bedrooms, living rooms, and spare bedrooms have transformed into work spaces. Temporary offices have become permanent shared office spaces. Daily commuting to-and-from work that would traditionally serve as a mental transition period between work and home are gone, and with it, for some, the mental off-switch that would result from a drive home listening to the radio or favorite podcast.

Shaping Arizona: 2020 US Census

Please note that the 2020 U.S. Census is currently underway. The results of the survey will impact funding in many important areas for the state of Arizona so your participation is very important!

Please visit AzCensus2020 to learn more about how you can participate in shaping the future of Arizona.

Director's Message to NASRA on Pandemic Response

Director Paul Matson recently attended the annual conference for the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA) which, like so many conferences at this time, was held virtually. We wanted to share his update, presented at the conference, about the ASRS' response to the pandemic, and how we were able to shift member services to safer, remote support.

The CARES Act and Your ASRS Account

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) has seen a slight increase in members asking, “Can I refund or get a loan from my account?” 

Contribution Rates for FY 2020-21

ASRS members and employers will see a slight increase in contribution rates at the start of the new fiscal year, July 1.

Your Future Pension is Safe

A message from Paul Matson, ASRS Director.

Why Your Pension Benefit Doesn't Depend on Your Account Balance

As a member of the Arizona State Retirement System, you make contributions with each of your paychecks. Both you and your employer contribute equal amounts, which are invested to generate revenue and build the ASRS trust fund, which in turn pays your guaranteed lifetime pension benefit upon retirement. These contributions, plus interest, combine to form your account balance.

Top Questions Answers: A New Video Series!

Friendly ASRS staff in our call center field member questions every day of operation. After a while, we noticed that we get some of the same questions again and again. To save you time and a phone call, we have started a new video series that answers your most commonly asked questions in a short, clear, and concise manner.

A Message from ASRS Director Paul Matson

Photo of ASRS Director Paul Matson 2019To our Members:

As the ASRS moves into its annual “retirement season” I wanted to take a moment to reassure our members that while our staff continues to be predominantly working remotely for everyone’s safety, our commitment to providing you the highest levels of service has not waned. I am proud to report that during this time of transition, the ASRS continues to meet our monitored and measured high standards for processing pension, health insurance, disability and forfeiture payments and applications, as well as responding to various member inquiries.

Continue reading the Director's Message


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