

Our Strategic Plan

Every five years, the ASRS develops a new Strategic Plan. This plan is meant to identify key areas the agency wishes to enhance and optimize, as well as areas we’d like to monitor and maintain. Our newest plan, which began on July 1, 2023, will run until June 30, 2028.

The goal for our new strategic plan is to excel in the areas of:

Keeping Your myASRS Account Secure

When thinking about how to keep your myASRS account secure, most probably only think about having a strong password. And, while this absolutely helps, you may want to put some thought into your Login ID as well.

Where Do Our Members Work?

As of June 30, 2022, the ASRS had 214,210 active members. Those active members work for employers all across the state. Currently, the ASRS has over 700 employer partners – a diverse group of public schools, state agencies, cities and towns, universities, and more. 

An Overview of our Board of Trustees

A look at the makeup of our Board of Trustees, how often they meet, and how to view meetings online.

Summer School & Your Pension

As many of our members are school staff and work less than 12 months a year, the question of how working extra over the summer affects your future pension is a common one.

First, a quick note about how non-12-month school staff earn service credit. Because of the shortened work year, these ASRS members earn more service per month (.111 credit per month) than a traditional 12-month employee (.083 credit per month). This is to make sure that non-12-month members earn a full year’s worth of service between the start and end of their school year. 

ASRS Statement on Silicon Valley Bank/Signature Bank Issues

The Arizona State Retirement System is providing the following information with regard to the receivership of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank as they relate to the ASRS investment portfolio.

The ASRS had relatively small index-like investments in shares of SVB Financial Group (the parent company of Silicon Valley Bank) and Signature Bank.

ASRS Statement on Silicon Valley Bank/Signature Bank Issues

The Arizona State Retirement System is providing the following information with regard to the receivership of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank as they relate to the ASRS investment portfolio.

Awards for Financial Reporting, Funding and Administration

ASRS recognized for Financial Reporting and Plan Funding & Administration

The Arizona State Retirement System recently received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Retiring Before 65?

If you’re early in your career, you may think “retiree health insurance” isn’t a topic you should be terribly concerned about at the moment, but you might be surprised! If you plan on retiring before 65, when most are eligible for Medicare, then health insurance costs could be something you want to start thinking about now. 

Contributions: Pre- or Post-Tax?

Your ASRS contribution rate actually consists of two main parts: the “Pension and Health Insurance Benefit” rate, which is a pre-tax deduction from your paycheck, and the “Long Term Disability Income Plan” rate, which is a post-tax deduction. If you look at your paystub, the pre-tax deduction is listed as “ASRSRET” while the post-tax deduction is labeled “ASRS LTD.” 


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