

  • Photo of Retired Woman in a park
  • Photo of retired friends hiking in nature
  • Photo of a mature competitive bicyclist
  • Photo of a grandmother with her infant grandaughter

Welcome ASRS Retirees!

Presented here is general information about the Arizona State Retirement System.

Retired members and surviving beneficiaries receiving a monthly benefit are encouraged to log in to the ASRS secure website to see specific account information. To log in, use the secure login link in the top right of any page or the button below.

myASRS Login  Why Register?

Member Handbook

Benefit Increases

The ASRS Defined Benefit Plan provides for a guaranteed lifelong monthly benefit to retirees.

There are, however, no provisions in the plan for automatic benefit increases after retirement.

The plan was designed to provide for a stable post-retirement monthly benefit based upon contributions contributed by the employee, matched by the employer, and invested and managed by the ASRS. This did not include any additional prefunded revenues to provide for regular benefit increases, such as a Cost of Living Adjustment.

By statute, the purpose of the ASRS is to “Provide a base retirement benefit that is less than 100 percent of a member’s post-retirement income requirements" (A.R.S. § 38-712). Separate post-retirement income opportunities – Social Security, individual retirement plans such as a 401(k), and personal savings – are options for retirees to build a more complete and diverse retirement portfolio.

The ASRS may provide for a post-retirement benefit increase, but only under the auspices of state statutes that outline a Permanent Benefit Increase, or PBI. 

Permanant Benefit Increase