Welcome ASRS Members!
From this page, you can learn all about your benefits as an ASRS member. Two of the most important services we offer are secure access to your ASRS account (myASRS secure), where you can view and manage your retirement account, and a host of continuing education programs in multiple formats and mediums.
New and Prospective Members
Get many of your questions answered in a Frequently Asked Questions format.
Estimate Your Benefits
Use a calculator to see how an ASRS pension is calculated, using salary and service credits. From there, you can log in to see your own estimate calculated for you.
Retirement Central
Everything you need to know about retirement. Learn about the retirement calculation, estimate your benefits, attend a meeting, and file for retirement.
Refund / Withdrawal
No longer employed with an ASRS employer and not yet receiving benefits? Check on your refund and early retirement options.
Long Term Disability
If you are disabled while actively contributing, the ASRS offers a generous long term disability income replacement program.
Survivor Benefits
As a non-retired member, your beneficiaries have guaranteed Survivor Benefits in the event of your death.
Contribution Rates
Check the latest contribution rates and find out where your money is going.
Service Purchase
Maximize your retirement by purchasing prior public service credit.
Supplement Your Retirement
Add to your retirement by participating in a Supplemental Savings Plan.