

Thinking of Refunding?

If you're leaving the ASRS prior to retirement, you may be wondering if you should refund your account. You can, but you don't have to. You have options!

Retiring Teacher? #RedForEd May Impact Your Retirement Date

Avoid delays in processing your retirement!

Employer Matching, Lifetime Benefit... Do You Know Your Pension?

Think a 401(k) Might Be Better? Guess Again!

Every two weeks you see that 11.5% coming out of your paycheck, earmarked for a pension or long term disability that you don’t anticipate needing for a long time to come. Sometimes you may wonder if you would be better off with a different type of retirement plan, like a 401(k). Well, here are some facts that might make you feel better about your ASRS pension:

ASRS Scores High in Service, Efficiency

Unless you happen to be very familiar with pension systems, you probably haven’t heard of the company CEM Benchmarking before. But, for the ASRS, they’re a valuable resource that provides helpful data to evaluate both where we’re at and how best to move forward.

An Investment Update by the Director

At the end of each fiscal year (June 30), the ASRS calculates a year-end rate of return on the total fund. The return for June 30, 2017 was 13.9 percent, positively impacting the financial health of the pension fund and helping to reduce upward pressure on future contribution rates.

How Do You Want Your Money When You Retire?

Retiring is easy. Just pick one of seven annuity options available and you’re done.    

You may be saying to yourself “Wait. I have to figure out seven different options? What’s the difference between them?  Which is the right one for me and my family?” A good way to grasp the different options is to note that while there may be seven options, they fall into one of three categories:

A Brief History of the ASRS As We Turn 65!

This year, the ASRS will celebrate its 65th Anniversary.

In the 21st session of the Arizona State Legislature, Governor Howard Pyle signed the bill that created the ASRS as of July 1st, 1953 as a pension plan for employees of state and municipal government.

The first public pension in Arizona, however, was issued in 1912, the year Arizona entered statehood. It was granted to a teacher, in the amount of $50 a month ($600 a year). In 1955, the teacher’s pension plan and the ASRS merged, creating a statewide retirement system.

Notice of Substantive Policy Statement on Compensation Rules

The Arizona State Retirement System has published a Substantive Policy Statement relating to Compensation for ASRS Purposes.

ASRS Celebrates 65 Years of Supporting Arizona's Public Servants

The Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) marks its 65th anniversary this year--celebrate 65 years of serving Arizona’s hard-working public servants.

ASRS Legislation for 2018

The 53rd Legislature – Second Regular Session is underway.

The ASRS has introduced four bills this session, all relatively minor in terms of impact to members and retirees.

House Bill 2034 - Amend 38-701(6) to remove the ASRS as state agency responsible for Social Security administration.


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