
Employer News

  • Employer Data Security Tips

    In our current business environment, we all must take additional steps to safeguard data. Here are some suggestions that may assist you in these efforts.

  • 2016 Employer Conference

    Every year, in the late summer and early fall, the ASRS hosts its Employer Conference sessions at locations throughout the state.  Employer Relations is excited to announce a new format for the 2016 Employer Conference! 

  • New Employer Manual: Coming Soon!

    The Employer Manual is getting a makeover!  The ASRS relies on its participating employers to provide information necessary for the efficient operation of the retirement plan. The Employer Manual was designed to assist you with the many processes involved, including:

  • Ending Payroll Verification Form

    It's peak retirement season and the ASRS is expecting more than 5,000 new retirees this summer.  The primary document needed for most of them is the Ending Payroll Verification (EPV) form. During these busy times, it’s helpful when the EPV is completed accurately and in a timely manner. 

  • Employer Secure Messaging: Helpful Hints

    Thank you for the feedback on the Employer Secure Messaging application! Of the feedback we have received, the most frequent suggestion is the ability to attach multiple files. 

  • Enhanced Employer Return to Work Form

    The ASRS just launched a new release of the Review Return to Work Forms application for employer users.  This enhancement enables employer users to export the information on an approved form to a PDF file before submitting it to the ASRS. 

  • New Alternate Contribution Rule

    The ASRS has established a new rule in the Arizona Administrative Code to address the Alternate Contribution Rate (ACR) Employers must pay to the ASRS for each retiree the Employer hires directly.

  • New administrator selected to oversee ASRS LTD program

    Broadspire Services Inc., a leading third-party administrator, will replace Sedgwick as administrtor of the ASRS Long Term Disability Program effective September 1.

    The change should have no major impact for the more than 4,000 members currently on the ASRS LTD plan. A letter from Broadspire is being mailed to all current members receiving Long Term Dsiability benefits.

    LTD members may contact Sedgwick with questions about their coverage through Aug. 31. All contact from Sept. 1 forward should be directed to Broadspire.

  • Terminated Employees and Enrollments

    If a terminated employee is unenrolled and contacts ASRS within six months of their termination, they will be referred back to their former employer to complete the enrollment process. Read on for how to manage terminated & unenrolled employees...

  • Employer Secure Messaging Updates & Helpful Hints

    • Read on for helpful hints to maximize your experience using the new Employer Secure Messaging tool...


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