
Here's What's New!

Why Members Cannot Remit Their Own Alternate Contributions

Legislation that passed in 2011 under Senate Bill 1609 authorized the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) to implement an Alternate Contribution Rate (ACR) for employers that hire ASRS retirees who return to work. 

Keeping Your myASRS Account Secure

When thinking about how to keep your myASRS account secure, most probably only think about having a strong password. And, while this absolutely helps, you may want to put some thought into your Login ID as well.

Moving Out of State

If you’ve recently moved outside of Arizona – or have been thinking about it – there’s some important information you should know regarding your pension and benefits provided by the ASRS. 

State Tax Implications

Director’s Message by Paul Matson: Our New Strategic Plan

The ASRS is finalizing a new strategic plan covering the five-year period from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2028. The key areas of the strategic plan focus on our Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives, which will drive our various organizational activities, strategies, and resource allocation decisions.  Throughout the development process, we have focused on what is in the best interest of our active, inactive, and retired members – often driven by what we have heard from our members through surveys, direct contact, as well as independent research.

Viewing Public Meetings

The ASRS hosts a number of public meetings throughout the year with our Board of Trustees and its three board committees: the Investment Committee, the Board Appeals Committee, and the Operations, Audit, & Legislative Committee. All these meetings are open to the public for in-person attendance at our Phoenix office or watched live on YouTube.

Where Do Our Members Work?

As of June 30, 2022, the ASRS had 214,210 active members. Those active members work for employers all across the state. Currently, the ASRS has over 700 employer partners – a diverse group of public schools, state agencies, cities and towns, universities, and more. 

Fantastic Resources & Where to Find Them

If you are having trouble finding the answer to that unique scenario that seems to defy logic, you're not alone! Every day our employer relations team reviews questions from hundreds of employers. While there are a few mysteries that only our Employer Quality Analysts can solve, there are many questions whose answers are easily found in resources available on our Employer Reference Materials page. 

Payroll: Correcting the PPE Date

Mistakes can happen to anyone, and entering the incorrect Pay Period Ending (PPE) date in your Contribution Reporting Summary (CSR) is one of the most common errors we receive inquiries about. Fortunately, correcting these errors is pretty simple:

Still Looking for Paper Checks?

Are you receiving checks from ASRS for Health Insurance Premium Benefits or Excess Benefits? Did you know you can receive payments five to ten days faster and more securely by taking advantage of direct deposit?

Employers are strongly encouraged to begin this process by completing the Employer/Vendor ACH Direct Deposit form and returning it via secure message (This form is available in your secure employer myASRS account on the Forms & Packets page.)

Pending Enrollments for Former Employees

Occasionally, you will find a pending enrollment for an employee who is no longer employed by your organization. You may be wondering, “What do I do with this enrollment?” If the employee did work for you in a position that met membership criteria and contributions were reported or will be reported, please submit the enrollment. 


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