
Basics for Employers: A Review

by Genevieve McBride, Employer Relations

For the first time in two years, the Employer Relations Team presented the ASRS Basics for Employers presentations live. The last two years brought about unprecedented challenges to how we conduct business. The ASRS had to quickly adapt from in-person group meetings to virtual and recorded sessions, and until this May, offered our Basics training exclusively through a series of recorded videos.

This year, we delivered Basics for Employers training in two different sessions: Basics, and BasicsPlus, which has additional content for employer partners responsible for the Long Term Disability and Health Insurance Premium Benefit processes. The ASRS scheduled four dates in May, with two Basics sessions and two BasicsPlus sessions, and had a combined total of 588 employer representatives registered to attend.

Both versions were presented via Google Meet and were well-attended. The ASRS will provide a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation to the attendees at the end of the month. The PDF copy will include the questions asked in all four sessions. The Employer Relations Team will also be updating the Basics videos this summer, so you can view our updated presentation on demand.  

For those who want to attend a live Basics or BasicsPlus webinar, our next offering will be in July as part of our re-commitment to greater engagement with our employers.

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