

ASRS Funding Policy available for review

An ASRS Funding Policy, a formal document outlining the strategies and goals for assuring the long-term sustainability of the ASRS plans, is now available for review under the ASRS Policies page on our website.

The six-page document outlines the formal methodology for financing the pension, health insurance and long-term disability plan obligations. Each plan is sustainable with current assets, plus future contributions from employees and employers, plus investment earnings.

Office of the Auditor General report on ASRS available for review

The state Office of the Auditor General recently conducted a Performance Audit and Sunset Review of the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS), a review that takes place every 10 years for state agencies. These audits are designed to determine whether an agency is achieving the objectives established by the Legislature and whether it is managing its resources in an effective, economical, and efficient manner. The report states although the ASRS plan is not fully funded, steps have been taken to improve its long-term sustainability.The report also noted that the ASRS serves an important function in Arizona. The full report, a summary report and the ASRS response are all available for public review on the Office of the Auditor General’s website – www.azauditor.gov

EMPLOYERS: GASB 68 Update & Reporting Document Now Available

The ASRS' GASB 68 Reporting Document is now available on the GASB Information page.

New ASRS Retirement Planning Dashboard

To help members navigate the process of retiring from the ASRS, a new dashboard has been released, called "Retirement Central". Retirement Central puts everything a member needs to know about retiring from the ASRS in one place. Find it on the top navigation bar.

Service Purchase change: Limitation lifted for eligible members

Due to a recent court case, the Arizona State Retirement System will now allow members with a membership date prior to July 20, 2011 to purchase any and all eligible Other Public Service, Military Service and Leave of Absence Service.

ASRS honored with Performance Excellence Awards

The Arizona State Retirement System recently received two awards from the Southwest Alliance for Excellence for two online projects designed to assist members. The Southwest Alliance for Excellence, formerly the Arizona Quality Alliance, recognizes organizations for excellence in quality, performance and outcomes through a program modeled after the Malcom Baldridge Award.

Information for same-sex married members

As of October 17, 2014, Arizona has legally recognized same sex marriage. As a result, the ASRS has updated its policies and procedures to reflect this change, with the same application of retirement policies and procedures for married individuals regardless of sex or gender. A marriage certificate is the required document for determining if a person is a “spouse.”

New Online Feature to Assist Return to Work Retirees

The ASRS has a new online tool that improves the process for ASRS retirees who wish to return to work for an ASRS employer.


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