

ASRS Risk and Compliance

Every day, we are all exposed to some type of risk, whether it’s from walking down the street, driving to the store, running a business, or investing in the stock market. Risk is multi-dimensional, in that it means different things to different people or organizations, who have differing tolerance for a particular risk.

Work in Education? Things Add Up a Little Differently!

So, you work for a school as a nine-month teacher or employee. Did you know your ASRS service is calculated differently than your 12-month counterparts in public service? There are a few other differences, too!

Educational Webinars

Join one of our live, online retirement webinars to help get some answers. In our "Road To Retirement" educational series, “Route 3” and “Route 4” focus on those nearing retirement.

Route 3 is designed for those within 3 years of retiring. It helps you learn about your pension benefit, annuity options, and helps answer the question, "Can I afford to retire?"

Rules & Legislation: What's the Difference?

The ASRS is guided by a set of official rules as well as state legislation. What’s the difference? Legislation is a law/statute created by the legislative branch of government, whereas a rule is a requirement imposed by an agency. State Statutes provide agencies the authority to create rules, which allow them to regulate or administer various government functions. Rules and legislation both carry the force of law. 

Retirees: Get Your 1099-R Digitally

Did you know you can log into your myASRS account and sign up to begin receiving your 1099-R electronically? This is the quickest way to receive your tax forms. If you elect this option, you will receive an email notification in January when your tax documents are available online.

Our Popular Annual Financial Report

Ever wonder how your retirement system is doing financially? We’d love to tell you! Whether it’s how your contributions are being invested, how we’re doing compared to past years, and what our membership looks like, check out the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR).

FY 23-24 Contribution Rate Announced

The contribution rate for the next fiscal year – which starts July 1, 2023 – has officially been announced. This rate will be effective from July 1, 2023, until June 30, 2024. The new contribution rate was presented to the Board Of Trustees in the November 18 board meeting, along with information regarding the accompanying actuarial study.

New Information on ASRS supplemental savings plans

Supplemental savings plans offered through the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) can be a helpful way for employees to invest tax-deferred money today to bolster their retirement income down the road.

To enhance access to these plans, simplify administration, ensure continued professional oversight and low administrative and investment costs, the Arizona legislature passed and Governor Ducey signed into law Senate Bill 1348. This new law has two parts to it as follows:

Change Employers, Keep your ASRS Membership

A new job with another ASRS employer doesn't mean starting over with your pension.

Healthy Mouth, Healthy You

Healthy Mouth, Healthy You: The Importance of Oral Health!

Our bodies are incredibly interconnected. Poor oral health can negatively impact overall health. And plenty of health conditions can hurt oral health. Improving either oral or overall health can have wideranging positive effects.


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