If your new employee is a non-resident alien, has a visa to perform work and meets ASRS eligibility but does not yet have a valid U.S. Social Security number, please use 000-00-0000.
There are currently more than 8,000 active employee accounts, with over 35 million dollars in employee and employer contributions, which are missing an address and date of birth.
Join ASRS Employer Relations for a Basics for Employers workshop, geared toward ASRS Employer Human Resources, Payroll, Benefits and Administration personnel.
The ASRS tri-fold pocket folder has been completely updated and is available for order & is a great way to provide information about retirement benefits to your new employees.
New to working with the ASRS? Sign up for "Employer Relations for ASRS Basics for Employers", an overview of employer responsibilities regarding the Arizona State Retirement System.
The ASRS relies on its authorized employer partners to assist in keeping the ASRS website secure. In our continuing efforts to maintain high standards of security, the ASRS is implementing additional employer security protocols, effective Friday, September 25, 2015.
An ASRS Funding Policy, a formal document outlining the strategies and goals for assuring the long-term sustainability of the ASRS plans, is now available for review under the ASRS Policies page on our website.
The six-page document outlines the formal methodology for financing the pension, health insurance and long-term disability plan obligations. Each plan is sustainable with current assets, plus future contributions from employees and employers, plus investment earnings.