
Employer News

  • GASB 68 Updates

    With the implementation of GASB 68, it is more important than ever for employers to correctly report all eligible employee census data. You can correctly report all eligible employee census data by ensuring that each eligible employee completes the online enrollment and registration process and that all social security numbers submitted are correct and valid.
  • Social Security Number Errors

    Employers are strongly encouraged to verify that Social Security numbers which are submitted through payroll or enrollments are correct and valid.
  • Beneficiary Updates

    New and existing employees can designate beneficiaries online. Paper beneficiary forms are no longer accepted for non-retired ASRS members and any received will be sent back to the employee.
  • Online Registration / Enrollment and Employer Responsibility for Census Data

    Autumn bring an increase in new members to the ASRS. As employers, your role is critical in ensuring your new employees are directed to Online Registration and they see the importance of enrollment.

  • Workshop for New ASRS Employers: ASRS Basics for Employers

    Are you new to working with the ASRS? Do you have staff that are? ASRS Basics for Employers is a three-hour workshop geared toward ASRS employer Human Resources, Payroll, Benefits and Administration personnel and covers the basics of working with the ASRS.
  • Employers: Important Information on GASB 68

    See the latest information on implementation of new GASB 68 reporting requirements. The ASRS has prepared an informational video: ASRS GASB 68 IMPLEMENTATION PRESENTATION (24 minutes) Additional information is on the GASB 68 webpage.


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