
Employer News

  • Notice Regarding ASRS-Sponsored Meetings

    Be advised that private companies may be representing their private retirement planning workshops as associated with the ASRS. The ASRS is NOT affiliated with these organizations nor responsible for their solicitations. Read on for more about ASRS member privacy...

  • Interested in hosting an ASRS Meeting for Staff at Your Worksite?

    Employers can contact the ASRS for more information & requirements for hosting an onsite meeting...

  • EMPLOYERS: Share These Updates with Employees

    Retiring within six months? Let the ASRS help you & your fellow employees finalize your retirement preparations...

  • ASRS Basics for Employers Seminar - New Fall 2015 Dates

    New to working with the ASRS? Sign up for "Employer Relations for ASRS Basics for Employers", an overview of employer responsibilities regarding the Arizona State Retirement System.

  • Employer Website Security Enhancements

    The ASRS relies on its authorized employer partners to assist in keeping the ASRS website secure. In our continuing efforts to maintain high standards of security, the ASRS is implementing additional employer security protocols, effective Friday, September 25, 2015.

  • ASRS Funding Policy available for review

    An ASRS Funding Policy, a formal document outlining the strategies and goals for assuring the long-term sustainability of the ASRS plans, is now available for review under the ASRS Policies page on our website.

    The six-page document outlines the formal methodology for financing the pension, health insurance and long-term disability plan obligations. Each plan is sustainable with current assets, plus future contributions from employees and employers, plus investment earnings.

  • Leased Employees and ASRS Membership Obligations

    ASRS member employers that contract with such third-party vendors should not assume such arrangements automatically nullify employees from continued participation in the ASRS.

  • ASRS honored with Performance Excellence Awards

    The Arizona State Retirement System recently received two awards from the Southwest Alliance for Excellence for two online projects designed to assist members. The Southwest Alliance for Excellence, formerly the Arizona Quality Alliance, recognizes organizations for excellence in quality, performance and outcomes through a program modeled after the Malcom Baldridge Award.
  • Contributions Received After Retirement

    When ASRS retirees return to work and do not suspend their retirement, their employer must pay contributions at an alternate contribution rate (ACR) on their behalf. ACR is required regardless of the hours worked (whether meeting 20/20 criteria or less than 20/20 criteria), and regardless of the capacity (direct employee, leased employee, independent contractor).
  • Ending Payroll Verification for New Retirees

    Employers are essential in the pension calculation process. The Ending Payroll Verification (EPV) is required from every ASRS employer through which a new retiree has contributed within the past three years – without it, the ASRS cannot begin to process the pension.


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