The ASRS recently completed another very successful Open Enrollment period for ASRS Retiree Health Insurance coverage. Do you have any employees or retirees with questions?
After the close of each fiscal year, the ASRS conducts a valuation of the various benefit plans that it manages to ensure they are fiscally sound. Click to read about the rates for fiscal year 2017.
Effective September 1, Broadspire Services Inc., replaces Sedgwick as administrator of the ASRS Long Term Disability (LTD) Program. What does this mean for ASRS employers?
The ASRS is currently undergoing the rulemaking process to require retirees who return to work for an ASRS employer, under specific criteria, to submit a “Working After Retirement” form to their employer. Read on for full details…
The Service Purchase Program allows some members to purchase past service time, which may increase a lifetime monthly benefit or qualify some for an earlier retirement date. Here are some quick reminders about Payroll Deduction Agreements…
Does updating employee’s demographic records in our system, automatically update the same info with the ASRS? Can a newly enrolled employee update their ASRS beneficiary before they have made a contribution? These questions and more answered…
Data security and privacy are of utmost importance to the ASRS and Secure Employer Website Administrators are on the front-lines of that effort! Learn more about this important employer role…
Autofill, a common feature on most popular web browsers, can lead to incorrect information being associated with their accounts. How can you help keep your employees personal info safe?