
Employer News

  • Employers: Following the Rules

    In an effort to reduce confusion among ASRS members and Employers, the ASRS is promulgating approximately five new rules that identify the various types of compensation that are used for ASRS purposes.  Effective January 1, 2018, the ASRS contributions and benefits will be based, in part, on the following compensation types:

  • Employers: Updated Contribution Reporting Information

    Read on for employer resource updates pertaining to last spring's Arizona Supreme Court ruling regarding ASRS compensation and employer-paid contributions:

  • Employers: How Old is That Form?

    How old is that form you're using? If it's outdated, it may be rejected! Here's how to find out if you're using current and valid forms:

  • Employer: Turnaround Times

    It is not uncommon for employees who have questions about their retirement benefits to go straight to their benefits office rather than contacting the ASRS. Here are a few of the most commonly askes questions:

  • Employers: 2018 Retiree Open Enrollment

    The ASRS Retiree Open Enrollment period is starting soon - here's what they need to know:

  • Employer LTD Claims Portal

    Broadspire has created a portal for employer and employees to use to access Long Term Disability (LTD) claim information.

  • Contribution Rates For Fiscal Year 2018

    New contribution rates are set to take effect July 1, 2017, the start of the new fiscal year. The contribution rate for the defined benefit pension plan paid by members and employers will remain at the current rate of 11.34 percent. The rate for the long-term disability program will increase slightly, from 0.14 percent to 0.16 percent.

  • Helpful Reminders for Your Ending Payroll Verification Forms

    Public schools constitute a large portion of ASRS membership, which is why our busiest season for new retirements is summer – right after the school year ends.  That leads to an increase in Ending Payroll Verification (EPV) forms for employers, so we thought now might be a good time for a few helpful reminders about this online application.

  • The Benefits of Keeping Your Employer Account Updated

    Please keep the ASRS informed about changes to your employer information.  Changes such as legal dissolutions, modifications to charter contracts, employee leasing, mergers, Joint Powers Authorities, and business name changes require documentation.  Updating your employer information on a regular basis is essential for the integrity of our data and to help us better serve our employer partners and members. 

  • Termination Incentive Plans; A.R.S. § 38-749

    The ASRS employs a number of safeguards to ensure final pension payments made to members are fair and accurate.  One of the final steps in the process is a full audit of a member’s account to ensure the correct figures were used in calculating the final benefit payment.



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