Beginning Friday, June 26, all pages of the ASRS secure website will have a slightly different look and enhanced functionality. The reason for these changes is to simplify pages while improving the functionality and readability on computing devices with a variety of screen sizes.
For EMPLOYER USERS the updated look will be the first visible change. The left side navigation menu will be collapsible and expandable by section. Some pages will contain the same information but will be arranged in a slightly different way, such as the Manage Enrollments page.
On pages that contain tables, you’ll notice a new functionality that will pre-sort the table and remove pagination. This means you’ll see one table on one page, and it will be pre-sorted for you. There will be no need to click to a next page; you will simply scroll down.
Enhanced pages will be found within the following applications:
- • Contribution Reporting
- • Online Enrollments
- • Ending Payroll Verification
- • Review Return To Work forms
- • Maintain Employer Users
- • Maintain Employer Contacts
For MEMBER USERS the biggest changes will be seen when logging into their secure myASRS account via a mobile device, such as an iPad or smartphone. The new “responsive design” enables webpages to automatically adjust the content in response to the size of the screen instead of merely shrinking the page to fit. This means the member will not need to zoom in, scrolling side-to-side to read the page content.
It is our goal to make the ASRS secure website easier to use for both our employer and member users. Be sure to log in after June 26th to experience the new enhancements yourself!