
AllisonH's blog

Welcome to ASRS In Focus

Welcome to your new monthly newsletter, ASRS In Focus!

We recognize the importance of connecting with you, our employer partners, and have rethought the best way to deliver meaningful content that fits your schedule best.

FY 24-25 Contribution Rate Announced

Contribution rates have been set for fiscal year 2024-25 – which begins on July 1, 2024. The total contribution rate for FY 2024-25 will be 12.27%, a slight decrease from the current rate of 12.29%, which continues through June 30, 2024. 

The decrease is due primarily to strong returns on the fiscal year-end June 30, 2023 total fund of 8.2%. 

What is "Retirement Age" with the ASRS

When planning to retire with the ASRS, you may begin thinking about how early you can begin receiving your benefit. First, it’s important to understand how the ASRS defines “normal” and “early” retirement, and how the criteria for each may change depending upon when you started making contributions to the ASRS.

The Value of Your Membership

As a member of the ASRS, it’s important to understand the full value of your membership and the benefits available to you both now and in the future.

This includes:

2023 Annual Employer Conference

It’s that time again! As an ASRS employer, it is your responsibility to attend the annual ASRS Employer Conference as required by statute. This conference is different from the ASRS Basics for Employers, as it’s a deep, detailed dive into processes and procedures targeted toward new employer users, which some of you may have attended recently.

Working After Retirement

If you are nearing retirement, have you thought about continuing to work after you retire? If the answer is yes, there are several key factors to consider if you plan to return to work, primarily whether you will work directly with an ASRS employer and our 20/20 Membership Criteria. 

Working after retiring from the ASRS allows our members to receive their monthly pension while also receiving a paycheck from their new employer. Please also note that you cannot actively contribute to the ASRS and receive your ASRS pension.


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