Friendly ASRS staff in our call center field member questions every day of operation. After a while, we noticed that we get some of the same questions again and again. To save you time and a phone call, we have started a new video series that answers your most commonly asked questions in a short, clear, and concise manner. Check out the new “Q & ASRS: The Top Call Center Questions Answered” video series.
We also recently migrated our videos on to a new page. For ease of access, now active members and retirees each have a dedicated video page in their respective menu dropdowns, with content specifically geared towards them. The new “Top Call Center Questions” video series can be found on the new Member Videos page, and also has its own playlist on our ASRS YouTube channel.
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. If you have a question, check this video series first. Chances are you can watch a video, get your answer, and not need to call! Check back as we’ll be adding new questions and answers to the series.
by Ben Robinson, Strategic Communications