The Arizona State Retirement System has selected two new dental insurance providers for the Retiree Group Dental Services program, beginning January 1, 2021.
Delta Dental of Arizona and Cigna Health were selected after a solicitation for bids (Request for Proposals) was held. The contracts were approved on April 20.
The ASRS will conclude its current five-year contract for ASRS Group Dental Services with Sun Life Financial on December 31, 2020.
An evaluation committee comprised of ASRS staff and assisted by an external benefits consultant and members of the ASRS Health Insurance Advisory Committee (HIAC), met throughout January, February and March to evaluate the proposals. Based on the evaluation criteria, the new vendors will provide fully insured DPPO and DHMO options as well as a self-insured ASO option.
Details of the new plans as well as premiums will be available in materials provided to all retirees during the annual Open Enrollment period in the fall.
Approximately 90,000 retirees and dependents participate in current ASRS group dental plans, which continue unchanged through the end of this calendar year.
The ASRS would like to extend its appreciation to the Health Insurance Advisory Committee, comprised of representatives of various retiree associations and public employers, who provided valuable input from the employer and retiree perspectives.