
Message from Director Paul Matson Re: COVID-19 Service Levels

With the significant economic and social disruption caused by the ongoing pandemic, I want to personally provide you with the following information regarding the continuity of services that the ASRS will be providing at this time. In summary - I do not expect any significant service disruption.

The only services that have changed is the service delivery model for meetings:  all group meetings, individual meetings, Board and Committee meetings have moved from "in-person" to a "telephonic" or "web-based" platform until further notice.

Our goal at this time is that our significant efforts and actions will enable you to focus on other, more pressing, aspects of your life at this time - as the benefits that you receive from the ASRS will continue. We are focused, so your services and benefits will continue uninterrupted. The ASRS has an active and tested continuity of operations plan in place which should enable us to provide the service levels our members have come to expect with limited, if any, degradation of service. We will update this message should there be any actual or expected degradation of services.

To learn more about ASRS' response to the current situation, please visit ASRS Service Updates in Response to COVID-19

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