
A Message from ASRS Director Paul Matson

Photo of ASRS Director Paul Matson 2019To our Members:

As the ASRS moves into its annual “retirement season” I wanted to take a moment to reassure our members that while our staff continues to be predominantly working remotely for everyone’s safety, our commitment to providing you the highest levels of service has not waned. I am proud to report that during this time of transition, the ASRS continues to meet our monitored and measured high standards for processing pension, health insurance, disability and forfeiture payments and applications, as well as responding to various member inquiries.

SERVICE UPDATES:  Last month (May 2020) with greater than 85% of staff members working remotely, the ASRS:

    • Answered 10,926 member calls (99% of them in 20 second or less),
    • Responded to 2,052 Secure Messages from members (99.8% of them answered within one business day),
    • Processed 603 Benefit Estimates (100% of them processed within five business days),
    • Delivered online Member Education programming via live ASRS-hosted or pre-recorded meetings & videos,
    • Processed all retiree, beneficiary, long term disability, and forfeiture benefits on time.

While some of our delivery methods have changed due to current circumstances—we hope you still feel the real care and professionalism of our team as they process your transactions, answer your questions and guide you throughout the ASRS retirement - and other - service processes.

As a reminder, many of your most common questions can be found on the ASRS website, which is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, along with your secure myASRS account.

POST-PANDEMIC PLANNING:  My colleagues and I have developed health-oriented safety plans for both now, and going forward as we eventually transition back to a more normal physical work setting. Although no dates have yet been set for more employees to return to our traditional office spaces, we are prepared with updated health protocols and safety measures – and likely enhanced telework flexibility for staff to accomplish their work while keeping everyone safe!

IN CONCLUSION:  Our commitment to supporting you, our members, has not wavered and continues without interruption. Whether you are getting ready to retire, or are already retired, we are here to support you, every step of the way.

Paul Matson
ASRS Executive Director

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