Did you know there is a page on the ASRS website filled with resources to assist you in working with the ASRS? The page can be found in the employer section of the ASRS website and is loaded with informational guides, past Employer Update newsletters, and so much more!
Also located on the Reference Materials page? The Employer Manual! The Employer Manual is a one-stop guide with an overview of everything you need to know in working with the ASRS, while the individual guides provide further details in working with various online applications.
Stay tuned!
Upcoming issues of Employer Update will highlight all the resources on the Employer Reference Materials page, such as the Service Verification Applications Guide, the Alternate Contribution Reporting Guide, the Retiree Return to Work Smart Form, and much more. Chances are, if you have a question, you will find the answer on the Employer Reference Materials page. Check it out!