
Contribution Rates for FY 2020-21

ASRS members and employers will see a slight increase in contribution rates at the start of the new fiscal year, July 1.

The total contribution rate will be adjusted to 12.22 percent from the current 12.11 percent. The 0.11 increase is primarily due to depressed market returns in the last fiscal year.

Contribution rates are actuarially determined and are adjusted annually to ensure the plan remains fiscally sound and able to meet current and future obligations. The ASRS is a match plan, meaning the contribution rate applies equally to employees and employers.

There are two portions to the contribution rate – the Retirement Pension & Health Insurance Benefit, and the Long Term Disability Income Plan. The pension plan contribution is a pre-tax deduction, and the long term disability deduction is post-tax.

Effective July 1, 2020

To learn more, visit our Contribution Rates page.

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